Tuesday 21 July 2015

My YouTube Subscriptions

There are so many different possibilities to get your food-geek on off- and on-line. My favourite way to learn new tricks and tips is through videos, and where else would you find more of them than on YouTube. Here are the people and channels I am subscribed to at the moment, I even tried to put them in some kind of order inside their categories. Some are not active anymore, but the videos are still available. I hope someone finds new people to follow and learn from, and I also, don't be afraid to give me some suggestions too! (Pages open in new tabs)

Eat Your Kimchi's Simon and Martina,

By categories:

Just interesting food channels:

Eat Your Kimchi - website
Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time - website

The Domestic Geek's Sara Lynn,
source youtube.com

Making your life easier:

The Domestic Geek - website
Brothers Green Eats - website
BuzzFeedFood (not active) - website

Healthy Food:

LoveHealthOK's Olivia,
source ink361.com
Paleo Star

Laura in the Kitchen's Laura,
source lauravitalesblog.blogspot.com

Home-style, easy cooking:

Laura in the Kitchen - website
Food Wishes - website
Jenny Can Cook - website

ByronTalbott's Byron,
source twitter.com

More modern style cooking:

ByronTalbott - website
TheOfficialHungry (not active)

Dulce Delight's Raiza,
source nbclatino.com

Sweet treats:

Dulce Delight - website
How to Cook That - website

SORTED Food's Ben, Barry, Jamie, Mike
source today.com

All of the above:

SORTED Food - website
Donal Skehan - website
Everyday Food - Everyday Food - Eat Clean - Kitchen Conundrums - From the Test Kitchen
Jamie Oliver - website
Tastemade - website

Until next time!

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