Saturday 18 July 2015

Snapchat's Food Network - Bobby Makes Pizza...For Dessert!

Snapchat's Food Network story is the only one I consistently watch. You can learn so many new recipes and techniques, and also find out what the current trends in the food world are. On July 17th, their story was all about pizzas. The one that stood out to me the most was a grilled dessert pizza. It's not too late to make it yourself this summer.

What you will need:
Pizza dough (quantity not specified, but enough for a medium pizza)
canola oil for brushing
1 ½ cups Mascarpone cheese
2 plums, cut into wedges, grilled
1 cup blackberries
1 cup raspberries
2 tbsp honey
powdered sugar to finish it off

1. Brush the dough with a little bit of canola oil. The grill should be pretty hot. You should turn the dough once only so make sure it is crispy before you flip it. No matter how thin you roll the dough, it's still going  to rise so you'll get a chewy pizza base. Remove from heat.
2. Slather the Mascarpone right on the base. Add plums, blackberries and raspberries. Top it off with honey.
3. Let the pizza heat up just a tiny bit more in a baking pan, on the grill, for 3 minutes.
4. Top the warm pizza off with a sprinkling of powdered sugar. Enjoy!

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